Well, now we know why - officially.

July 27th, 2011

Original Article on LiveJournal.ru

Russian to English translation via Google Translate (so mind the broken English here and there - you'll get the gist)

LiveJournal announces new DDoS-attacks on the service

After collecting the necessary data, administration now LiveJournal can make an accurate conclusion about what caused the failure in communication providers data-center LiveJournal DDoS-attack was aimed at the service.

After a crash, July 25, 2011 LiveJournal regained his job, but for a number of users and services on the site still can not work properly. DDoS-attack did not lead to a breach of integrity or a loss of already published content.

"Does not work even reserve a console that would allow us to somehow understand what's happening with the network hardware (in this case the user data is still protected because of Architecture LiveJournal), so the only source of information for us and other clients have been the site providers, - said Ilya Dronov, Director of Product Development LiveJournal. - Later he was up and running DDoS Mitigation Protocol, based on which it became evident that the traffic in our direction, averaged around 6 gigabits at peak levels of 8-gigabit (remember, in past times he was about 2 gigabits per peak), which, apparently, a ceiling for Qwest and Verizon in this area. "

Attacks continue and at the moment, LiveJournal indexing by search engines is temporarily closed, resulting in delays in the appearance of fresh entries in the search results. Separately, we note that the recipients are not popular DDoS bloggers, the attackers are attacking IP service, thus, an attack aimed at LiveJournal as a whole. As we have noted in previous attacks, we have installed high-efficiency equipment, after the attacks in March and April, we purchased and installed additional hardware, software and increased bandwidth, which helped to counter a much larger loads, but now the attackers have changed tactics and impact on supplier relations.

All owners of the paid accounts that are active during the period of DDoS-attacks on LiveJournal, will be offset by lost time - the compensation to be announced.

The company's specialists are working to resolve the problems, we apologize for any inconvenience. We thank the users for their patience and hope for your understanding.


Wouldn't it have been nice of LJ to somehow inform everyone who isn't Russian what's going on? We shouldn't have to run news through a translater to find things out, but there it is. At least we now know what caused this giant mess, and it also answers the question many paid users have been asking regarding extensions of their paid accounts.

Incidentally, anyone bored enough to poke around this website after reading this entry: This place is pretty damn old and needs severe updating all over the place. I apologize in advance for things that don't work like they should. :P

Welcome to my non-blog!

October 30th, 2010

Hello, and welcome to fragile-star.net! Normally you would see a blog here, but I changed my web host (YAY) and I haven't set up the new blog yet (boo). Not sure when I will; the whole moving process drained my will to code. :P

Have fun exploring my site; there's some fun stuff hidden around here somewhere - let me know if you discover any broken links, etc. :)